Banner Element for Shopping Experiences
In the banner, you can link a single slide. You can find the banner element in the block selection group Elysium Blocks in the Shopping Experiences.
In the banner, you can link a single slide. You can find the banner element in the block selection group Elysium Blocks in the Shopping Experiences.
Under Select Slide, you can link a slide that will be displayed as a single banner. If the Automatic Size option is enabled, the banner is flexible in height and adjusts to the content.
Alternatively, you can set an Aspect Ratio and a Maximum Height that should not be exceeded. The automatic size, aspect ratio, and maximum height are device-dependent.
Lazy loading is enabled by default and uses the browser's lazy loading function for images. Lazy loading affects slide covers and focus images within a banner. It is recommended to disable this setting for banners that are in the visible browser window (when the page is first loaded). Typically, this affects banners at the beginning of a Shopping Experience.